6. Reusing business analysis content in DevOps cycle

Learning Objectives

 After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Get
  •  Model

Prerequisites: Watch the 10 min overview & demo video

This short video will give you an understanding of how Catalyst works and how the vari

Itallation and Setup

You are ready to set up Catalyst and connect to a Salesforce Org.

The video below steps you through installing the managed package and running Quick Start to support this training. Install the managed package in a Sandbox or if you don’t have one create a Dev Org.

What is Quickstart?

We want you to get a unique view of your Org as easily as possible. So, QuickStart does the following:

  • creates an Elements Catalyst user account which is the email associated Salesforce username for the Org you are connecting
  • creates an Elements Catalyst Space (Pro 14 day trial)
  • conne=======================================================================

NEXT – Unit 2 : Documenting Your Org principles (35 mins)